Not bad, not bad.
EQ needs a little bit more work here. Instruments need far more separation as they're getting lost in each other.
You did an odd thing around the one minute mark where you lowered everything as the vocals came in. Then brought everything back up. Still highly jarring to hear that happening and it's not a good way of controlling volume and loudness as it changes everything overall. It would be best to have everything set at one volume level (it really does just sound like you're messing with the Master Fader when you shouldn't be).
(I had to turn it down significantly because it was causing an extreme standing wave in my room. Not cool when your ears hurt.)
Vocals sound distorted in comparison to everything else. The EQ set for her also doesn't present her voice in the best possible light. She's got more mids and bass to her than she should, which could just be a factor of the absolutely wet reverb you have going on there. Or the volume itself.
Saw synth and bassline are extremely overpowering. That's only second to none with the vocals being above and beyond everything. They drown out nearly everything else in the piece. I know there are nuances there only because I'm struggling to hear them. That piano... that poor piano has no room to breathe.
Mix needs a bit of an overhaul, in my honest opinion. Nonetheless, it's not bad, but because of the way it is, it could be better.
Keep on, keepin' on!